So this weeks word is ‘Mystery’. For some reason I’d been thinking about weird 70’s conspiracy theories. I had read about this film ’The Parallax View’ (1974) and watched the trailer on youtube. The film didn’t even seem particularly interesting and the trailer not that gripping but I was imagining what the poster for the film would look like if i had designed it. After seeing this weeks word, it got me thinking about the trailer and after re-watching it, went about starting this weeks illustration. 

I really love seventies design and so wanted to work with my loose interpretation of of it when coming up with my take on the word Mystery. I always like to stick with what originally comes into my head when thinking of the word or brief. For me it was more the idea of unsolved mysteries and the unknown. Triangles, the Illuminati, coding, I liked the idea of an image being taken apart, almost trying to find out hidden things behind or within the image.

I think I’ve just about managed to bring all those idea together to create an illustration that i am actually pretty fond of. 

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