This weeks Illustration Friday entry is ‘Village’. I lived in a village growing up and it was mind numbingly boring and dull, so I wasn’t exactly filled with inspiration when I saw this weeks brief! With that in mind it is my job to take something like this and turn it around to create something a little more exciting.

I’m really trying to overcome using the words so literally and making obvious decisions and so I wanted to do something quite graphic and bold that would maybe conflict with the idea of something as traditional as an old village. I’ve also been really ill lately and have been having really weird, full on ‘ill dreams’. You know, the kind of dreams you have when you have the flu, usually quite mathematical and panicky. I dreamt I had to stack all these weird shaped within a really small time frame, it then turned out I was building houses and they were made of really thin grey concrete with orange edges.

I decided to follow my dreams (literally) and used that as a starting point for this weeks piece. I wanted to use the idea of a miniature village with giant kids stomping around the place, like posh middle class Godzillas! All of those ideas swirled around in my head and managed to come out in the form of this illustration. Enjoy.

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